The Movement Cycle

When we step on an Open Floor, we start with Open Attention, noticing what is present in and around us, what kind of sensations are in our bodies, what emotions and thoughts we have. We then focus our attention, and Enter together a specific topic, the subject of our current investigation. We Explore this particular territory of our life through movement, breath, and dancing. At the end of our Movement Cycle, we Settle to calm our nervous system and to integrate our discoveries.

Core Movement Resources
Embodied Anchors

Ten universal principles of movement, the Core Movement Resources lie at the heart of the Open Floor movement practice. If we become familiar with, learn to embody and express these through movement on the dance floor, soon they will start to show up as supportive resources in our everyday lives.

We learn to articulate these resources through Embodied Anchors, physical parts of our body that we can use as entry points into our exploration, and as a home base where we can always come back if we find our attention wandering away throughout our practice.




Towards & Away

Expand & Contract

Activate & Settle

Spatial Awareness




The 4x4 Weave

The moment we start moving our Body, our Emotions, Mind, and Soul will move with it, and we include all these parts that belong to us into our practice.

As humans, we are relational beings, and we constantly hunger either for Solitude, Connection with another, Belonging to a group, or for communing with that what is present in all of us and in everything around us: what we might call Spirit (or God; or the Universe; or Nature, my favourite name).

The 4 Dimensions of Embodiment and the 4 Relational Hungers make up the 4x4 Weave, a map that covers our whole existence, and that we keep on exploring on the Open Floor.

It’s A Practice…

This might have sounded quite abstract, as I only wanted to give here a short summary of the vast landscapes the Open Floor movement practice can encompass. If you are interested in further exploration, come to one of my or my colleagues’ classes to experience all of this in practice.

If you want to read more, check out Open Floor International’s more detailed description of the Practice.